Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Download Pick of the Week: Moodle Course Management System

Hello Everyone,
This week I have for you a very neat FREE open source Course Management System that you can easily implement on your companies Intranet in order to provide training and testing for your Employees or potential candidates. It is called MOODLE. While this is not necessarily Windows or Terminal Services related I feel that it is something that many people can use and therefore I chose it as my pick for this week.

Moodle is an out of the box system that you can easily install in minutes and start preparing online courses and test's for employees or potential employees.
A Good article describing what it does is at:

Note that since the above article was written Moodle has had several updates and enhancements. There is a bundled package for download on the Moodle site that gives you the system as well as the apache server and mysql so that you can easily install it on a vanilla server with minimal experience.

Our company was looking for an easy way to create online timed test's for our potential employees...Moodle fits that bill nicely. Check out the demo on the Moodle website.


Download the package at: http://download.moodle.org/

Jim Kenzig

CEO The Kenzig Group


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Blog: http://www.techblink.com

Terminal Services Downloads: http://www.thinhelp.com

Windows Vista: http://www.VistaPop.com

Virtualization: http://www.virtualize-it.com

Games: http://www.stressedpuppy.com

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