Hi All,
I have used the new Google Co-Op service to create a custom Server Based Computing specific search on all of the top websites in the SBC industry.
I have placed almost 100 sites into this search including all of the Microsoft MVP's and Citrix CTP's web sites, Blogs from industry experts and key website KB's.
Check out the search at http://www.F1U.com!
Citrix Escalation Engineer, Sam Johnston has take things a step further and created a custom Citrix search and included the search from F1U into his, here is his announcement on it!
Morning all,
I've just finished putting the final touches on Citrites' Search (http://citrites.org) which supersedes the existing Citrite.org ( http://citrite.org) search function, combining Google AJAX Search, Google Co-op Search and Google Enterprise Search (for those detected as internal users only, sorry) to give an extremely fast and flexible tabbed interface. citrites.org (plural) was registered about a month ago to complement citrite.org with a search service but until now the existing sitesearch functionality did not provide enough flexibility (the old form at http://citrite.org/search/ is clunky at best).
Citrites' Search currently searches the following information:
- Citrix Sites: Content from scores of Citrix related sites, including citrix.com and citrite.org.
- Support: The official Citrix Knowledge Center site: support.citrix.com
- Forums: Various forums including the official forums at support.citrix.com/forums.
- Citrites: Blogs of Citrix employees and alumni (Citrites' Blogs).
- Citrix.com: All citrix.com content via Google
- Blog: All blogs via Google's Blog Search
- News: All news via Google News search.
- Web: The entire web via traditional Google.
- Video: All video content via Google Video search.
If you're running Mozilla Firefox 2 or Internet Explorer 7 (as you should be) you can integrate Citrites' Search seamlessly into the browser by clicking on the link (an OpenSearch Description) at http://citrites.org/opensearch/
I'll be promoting this internally too (primarily for use by Citrix Technical Support) and the more people using and contributing (even if just via feedback) the better it will be. I'm convinced that decent search is going to change the way we work internally and there's no reason it shouldn't help customers and partners too,
Kind regards,
Sam Johnston (http://citrite.org/blogs/samj/)
Escalation Engineer
Citrix Systems Ireland
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